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Writer's picturejoniermcintire

Finish each day and be done with it. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

Oh July, you are one hot day dragging itself after another. But things got done.

Two poets who are near and dear to me had their book launches this month and I was able to be a part of the excitement. (The photo is courtesy the Quilt Life Poetry Reading for Cindy Bosley. As you can see, I am hosting incognito as Dan Denton. The incredible Kerry Trautman is the other poet with a new full-length book, To Be Nonchalantly Alive.) To buy Cindy’s book:

I started working on the layout of the next PopUp Printing venture - tentatively called Black Lives. A lovely little collection of writings that should see the first finished product by the end of August. If I’ve done this right, there will be a lovely little PopUp surprise to go with the incredible writing of some of the finest poets and writers in Toledo, Ohio.

Accelerator Grant! In order to be able to purchase more equipment for the PopUp Printing venture, I was awarded a 2020 Accelerator Grant from the Arts Commission of Greater Toledo. An incredible victory during uncertain times and very very much appreciated. And I am humbled by the company I keep in receiving this grant. Incredible artists get much needed funds through these grant programs, including the amazing writer, Morag Hastie, and a true patron of Toledo written and spoken word, Felissa Parker-Green who runs the Trunk. I have the incredible fortune to be a part of a project to help with a painting tribute to Stormi, who used to run the open mic programming at the Trunk, as well as a poetry event (still being planned) there. Watch for news of events in this wonderful outdoor space. Here’s where to see more about the winners of the Accelerator Grants:

Oh to submit your poems to publications and not to be rejected… this was a fine month. A few poems made their way out into the universe:; and in Of Rust and Glass #3.

And here we are. Tomatoes and cucumbers getting fatter and rich with their colors, hot peppers doubling in size overnight. The canning is underway. The kids have begun their back-to-school jitters. And we roll into August.

Breathe the sweetness that hovers in August - (Denise Levertov)

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