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Writer's picturejoniermcintire

Everybody Goes Home in October

I was finally on the road a bit… This past weekend, in Youngstown, having the most amazing time at Lit Youngstown’s 5th Annual Fall Literary Festival. Serving on the planning committee gave me real insight into how very complicated running a two-day festival, with a myriad of visitors and extremely talented featured writers, can be. I am endlessly thankful to have been a part of it, from beginning to end. And as always, I came home with a stack of books by writers I not only love to read, but am honored to know.

But now I’m back home and Toledo has so much going on this weekend! Of course, Just Be You open mic at The Trunk on Friday. But then we are being delightfully invaded by some of the most incredible poets from parts all over and I could not be more excited. Saturday at 4pm at The Attic on Adams patio, over a dozen poets will be reading in Poets at the Attic. Then on Sunday at 6pm, of course, Uncloistered Poetry with three incredible poets we get to see from the comfort of wherever we all are. This mix of in-person and online art has truly saved my spirits lately! Not only that, but next weekend we have an ekphrastic writing challenge at Wonderland Toledo Grand Opening, writing from 4-6pm and reading our poetry from 6-8pm.

As if that’s not enough excitement, Of Rust and Glass has been hard at work putting together two anthologies (Made of Rust and Glass, our literary anthology, and Dream of Rust and Glass, our speculative fiction anthology) and I absolutely love the work that was submitted for them. Being Poetry Editor gives me the honor to read some very diverse work and I was astounded by the talent in some of these poems. Keep those submissions coming in… we have quarterly issues and accept for those all year long.

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